Healthy or clean eating is a way of enjoying natural foods that are free of artificial and unhealthy ingredients. Clean eating is all about refreshing your eating habits by choosing healthiest foods and avoiding unnatural and processed foods as much as possible. Although this is indeed a very difficult task as the temptation of junk food is very hard to resist, but you can gradually take steps to refine your food. Here are some easy tips to eat clean.
Less Meat, More Veg
According to scientists, the secret of a long and healthy life is cutting down the meat and replacing it with vegetables. According to a research by Oxford University, vegetarians have 32 percent less chance of heart disease than meat eaters. You can start with cutting down amount of red meat to half and replace it with fish, chicken, nuts, beans, low-fat dairy and whole grains.
Reduce Your Caffeine Intake
Caffeine can increase blood pressure and heart rate and weakens bones by decreasing the body’s ability of calcium absorption. It may help lift you up temporarily but only for dumping you down in the end. So decrease your coffee intake to only a couple of cups a week. You can start your day, with a healthy mug of lemon water, green tea or apple juice.
Water is Very Important
The key element of clean eating and reducing weight is drinking more water instead of soda and juice. Water not only keeps us energize and increase our metabolism but also helps to control cravings. You should take about 8 to 10 glasses every day to stay healthy.
Eating Green is the Clean Eating
Eating green is the important part of clean eating. You can eat unlimited amount of leafy green vegetables and fruit as they help flushing toxins from your system. For a clear beautiful skin, flat tummy, and amazing health, always include a green plate of broccoli, spinach or kale at lunch and dinner.
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Plan Your Shopping List
A well planned and thought out shopping list is another essential part of clean eating. Always plan your shopping list before going to market. Always make natural and fresh food like vegetables, fish and low-fat dairy products the major part of your shopping list.
Write Down Your Goals
Writing down your goals and plans is the first step of clean eating. According to experts, you should make a food diary and enter everything you eat in it. This way, you’ll be able to gradually refine your food and refresh your eating habits. If you want to lose weight fast or start eating healthy food, write your goals and check it regularly for a healthy life style.
Breakfast is a Must
Breakfast is a must as it is the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast is a key to a healthy metabolism throughout day. Breakfast helps to curb unhealthy craving towards fatty, unhealthy junk foods while on the other hand you should try fat burning foods. Try to have an all natural sugar free bowl of oatmeal with berries and hard boiled eggs or porridge with seeds and scrambled eggs with wholegrain toast.
Don’t Go Hungry
Skipping meals or going hungry may seem like a good way to reduce weight, but it is actually not a healthy way and ultimately your body starts to store calories. According to nutritionists, eating small meals every three hours keep blood sugar levels in control and your metabolism continues to burn fat. So keep healthy snacks like fruits and nuts with you to boost your energy. Avoid eating too much and try to eat no more than two snacks per day.
Say Goodbye to Sugar
Sugar is the number one enemy of clean eating habits. When shopping for packages foods, avoid the items containing sugar. Sugar will sabotage your weight loss efforts and clean eating habits. You can satisfy your sugar carvings with natural sources like apples and bananas.