Talk about the most popular citrus fruits in the world and lemon will definitely be one of them. Lemon oil aids in promoting healthy functioning of the body with respect to immune, digestive and respiratory system. Lemon oil dates back to Roman civilization where Juventas, the Roman goddess of youth was associated with lemon oil. 3000 lemons are required to make 1kilo of lemon oil. Throughout the history, it had been used to safeguard against immune threats. Lemon oil has a very wake-you-up kind of aroma. Apart from being the most renowned oil, it can be put to gazillions of uses.
There are innumerable health benefits of lemon oil such as its qualities of being astringent, anti-infection, antifungal, detoxifying, sleep inducing, astringent, disinfectant, antiseptic, carminative, calming, and stimulating. It also helps to treat fever, asthma, insomnia hair conditions, stress disorders, infections, obesity, tiredness, and stomach problems. There is a lot more to it than what is mentioned. What adds to its benefits is that it is excellent for adding flavor to your favorite foods and water and simultaneously keeping the bacteria away.
Lemon oil has the ability of mixing well with other oils like sandalwood oil, geranium oil, rose oil, lavender oil, tea tree oil and peppermint oil which makes it even more popular for those who practice the healing art of aromatherapy and herbalists.
Here are some key benefits of Lemon oil which you should know:
Lemon oil for Hair
Are you sick of dandruff problem and nothing works? Lemon oil can be an excellent treatment for you. It is a remarkable cleansing agent which can be used in conditioners, shampoos, and herbal washes. A very easy way of warding off dandruff is by pouring 4 to 6 drops of lemon oil in 300 ml of water. You can wash the scalp using this solution. After washing your hair, put some hair oil and then comb your hair. You will notice dandruff coming out with the comb.
Fungal scalp infections can be treated using lemon oil. Take any good oil such as castor oil or olive oil and pour in few drops of lemon oil. Heat this oil and make it warm. Massage it into your scalp. Use as shower cap to cover your head so that the oil absorbs completely. Then first wash your hair with warm water and then with cold water to ward off thick carrier oils. This is an effective remedy for killing fungi that is spreading all over the scalp. For people who have exposed scalp can do this once in a week. It will prevent fungi from infecting. This can also be used to treat head lice.
Lemon oil can remove hair color naturally making you look fashionable without using bleaching agents on your hair. You can show your hair off in the sun.
Lemon oil as a Mood Enhancer
Lemon oil contains calming qualities which is why it is good for getting rid of anxiety, mental fatigue, dizziness, nervous tension, nervousness, and exhaustion. It can have a very refreshing effect on the mind by making it positive by getting rid of negative emotions. According to a study, inhaling lemon oil can aid in raising alertness and concentration. Therefore, it is a good idea to use it as a room freshener in offices to help raise the productivity of employees or when you are children are doing their homework so that they can remain focused on their tasks. If you are looking for instant mind clarity, just rub some lemon oil on your hands and inhale it. It can immediately lift you up.
According to a research that was published in Psychoneuroendocrinology in the year 2008, aroma of lemon essential oil was far better than aromatherapy which used lavender oil for enhancing mood.
Chase away your blues by simple mixing lavender and lemon oil and diffuse it in your room. Another simple way is to add some drops into your bath water to help you ward off stress and fatigue.
Lemon oil for Respiratory Distress
Are you suffering from a disease that causes breathing difficulties? If yes, the good news is that lemon oil helps to relieve breathing difficulty encountered in diseases like pneumonia, asthma, COPD, sleep apnea and coughing in bronchitis. As soon as you diffuse lemon oil in the room using a diffuser, vaporizer or oil burner, the patient starts feeling much better. Inhaling the aroma of lemons aids in clearing sinuses and nasal passages, facilitating steady breathing and maintaining good flow or air. The reason it is so effective in treating respiratory distress is that lemon oil contains limonene. Limonene helps to alleviate asthmatic symptoms.
You should consult a doctor before you use lemon oil for asthma patients because in some cases limonene has made the condition much worse. So it is not equally effective for everyone.
Lemon oil for skin
Incorporates lemon oil for regular skin care is also a good idea. However, you need to dilute it before using it. Take a small bottle of about 100 ml. pour in 15 drops of lemon oil and other oils that mix well with lemon oil such as lavender and orange.
There are various health benefits of doing a massage using lemon oil. For starters, it cleanses the skin thoroughly. It is no surprise that lemon oil is considered among the best natural skin cleaners. It helps in removing toxins that do not penetrate into the skin, dead skin cells, dirt and left over makeup. You can easily notice a much clearer skin that is devoid of excess oil and clean.
Secondly it kills bacteria present on the skin. Lemon oil has an acidic PH. Most of the bacteria are not able to survive in such an acidic aura. Adding only a few drops of lemon oil makes it acidic. They also help to prevent any kind of infection because they get killed as soon as they come in touch with acidic lemon oil.
For all those who want to get rid of blemishes and lighten dark spots caused by sun, lemon oil is actually a skin lightening agent.
Do you like trekking in the woods? If yes, you should apply lemon oil since it prevents different insect bites. Out in the woods, you might come across many insect species which you will not find commonly at homes. Some insects or parasites like mites and mango fly enter our bodies and live inside us resulting in scabies and other problems.
Furthermore, it aids in achieving a radiant skin. When applied with a base oil, it adds luster to your skin making it look bright and glossy.
Lemon oil gargle for dental hygiene
Want to know an excellent way of getting rid of harmful bacteria present in the mouth. It is really effective for preventing cavities, minute worms and damage caused by bacteria. Furthermore, it aids in warding off foul odor and freshen up your mouth. Everyone likes the smell of citrus.
All you have to do is add 5 to 6 drops of lemon oil in a glass of water. Let it remain warm. Gargle with this solution in a manner that it can reach tonsils and throat.
Relieving arthritic pain
Lemon oil is effective for minimizing the pain of arthritis. There are 2 ways of using it. One way of doing this is by pouring in 2 to 3 drops of lemon oil in one glass of water or a juice. Another effective way is to mix 1oz of carrier oil (castor oil is good), pain relief oil pack and 8 to 10 drops of lemon oil. Mix properly and apply this mixture in the areas where you feel pain. Then cover this area with cotton cloth that was soaked in castor oil. This way the oil applied on your skin doesn’t get absorbed in the cloth. With time, the oil will be absorbed in the affected area of the skin that is the joints. This will give you relief from swelling, redness and inflammation on the skin. Lemon oil contains anti-inflammatory qualities which is why you will clearly notice a visible reduction in redness. Oil packs are really effective for pain relief in arthritis.
Lemon Oil as an Immunity booster
It is no secret that lemon oil consists of high amounts of vitamin which is the main reason it acts as a great immunity booster. Furthermore, it plays the role of stimulating white blood cells allowing the body to combat diseases. Lemon oil also aids in enhancing the circulation in the entire body.
Lemon oil and Antiseptic Benefits
On fresh minor infections of skin including acne, lemon oil has a great antiseptic effect. All you have to do is dilute lemon and lavender oil in a bowl of water and apply using compress. Using a face cloth absorb the surface mixture and keep it on the wound for at least 10 minutes.
Dilution helps to prevent the stinging pain that is felt when applied straight away on an open wound. Dilution makes the pain bearable. Combining lemon oil with lavender oil gives off a soothing effect.
Do not go in the sun when you use lemon oil. The skin may start itching and burning.
Lemon oil as nausea and vomiting reducing agent
Recently a study was conducted that took into account effects of lemon oil on pregnant woman who were going through nausea vomiting. Women were divided into two groups in which one group was given lemon oil and the other wasn’t. The one which received lemon oil showed reduced symptoms of nausea and vomiting within 2 days. Although this study was done particularly on pregnant women, but people who are going through the same symptoms can reap its benefits as well.
Lemon oil and Reversing diabetic neuropathy
According to a study, there are phytonutrients in lemon known as geraniol which help in reversing diabetic neuropathy. Wondering what diabetic neuropathy is? Diabetic neuropathy is a condition in which nerves in the body are damaged because high blood sugar levels because of diabetes.
Lemon oil and Fever
Lemon oil helps combat infectious diseases like malaria, typhoid, and fever. All you have to do is mix one drop of peppermint oil and lemon oil and rub it on your feet. This will provide relief from infection.
Weight loss with lemon oil
Lemon oil satisfies your appetite if you add it to your favorite beverage or simply water. It minimizes your chance of overeating and in turn aids in reducing weight.
Some valuable Lemon oil Suggestions:
- No matter which oil you use, there can be issues of contact sensitivity. You should first test the oil on a little patch of skin first before using it.
- Lemon oil should never be applied in full strength on the skin. It should be diluted with a carrier oil like sweet almond, avocado or jojoba oil.
- You should never take lemon oil internally without consulting a health professional. It could result in toxic effects.
- You can inhale lemon oil by sprinkling a little oil on a tissue or cloth. You can also do it with the help of vaporizer or aromatherapy diffuser.
Be careful!
- Although lemon oil is nontoxic generally, but some people might develop contact dermatitis which means it is phototoxic and can result in heat rashes and sunburns really fast. It has been known that lemon oil, when applied to skin, makes your skin more sensitive to Ultraviolet rays that are emitted by the sun. This increases the risk skin cancer. So make sure whenever you use lemon oil on your skin, apply sunblock to protect your skin against the exposure of Ultraviolet rays. Never go out in the sun without using a sunblock after applying lemon oil!
- Children and pregnant women should first consult their doctors or health care providers before using lemon oil. Make sure you use it safely.