Have you been working too long on the computer lately and you have got those puffy eyes? Then you really need to know how to get rid of bags under eyes.
As we start aging, the skin under our eyes starts sagging and become puffy. When you are young, the muscles and healthy skin keep holding the fat, but with age they lose in this struggle and you are left with bags under your eyes. While bags under our eyes are a common issue and a major symptom of aging, it could be due to other reasons as well.
Apart from aging, there are other causes of bags under eyes that can be treated. The other causes of bags under eyes include untreated allergies, lack of exercise, something in your diet that doesn’t suit you, chronic sinus problems, fluid retention, intake of excess salt and the way you sleep.
Treatment of bags under eyes depends on the cause. If aging is the reason, then you are left with very little choice which mostly includes scalpels and needles. However, if the bags are simply puffiness due to some other reason, then you can mostly combat it by making changes to your lifestyle.
If you are inflicted with such beauty woes, here are some natural ways for treating eye bags that you can easily make use of:
1. Drink Loads of water
One of the causes of bags under eyes is water retention as a result of high concentration of salt in the lining under your eye. Have your ever experienced eye bags in the morning after having a salty dinner or crying at night? It doesn’t matter whether it is because of food or tears, salt can accumulate water in your face including under your eyes.
The best way to counter this is by drinking lots of water which helps to expel excess salt from your body. Also, try avoiding salty foods for few days.
Another thing that you can do is keep avoid intake of drinks that can result in dehydration like alcohol and coffee. Remaining properly hydrated is the key.
2. Cool treatment
Ever wondered why you see cucumber slices kept on ice at the spa? Cucumber contains natural skin lightening qualities along with being anti-inflammatory and astringent. It has been used for ages to help minimize the puffiness. What basically soothes the area is the cool temperature. Cucumber fits the eye perfectly and treats eye bags.
- Cut thick slices of cucumber and chill them in the freezer or refrigerate them.
- Close your eyes and place it over them.
- Let them stay for up to 15 minutes.
- Repeat thrice a day for quick results.
- If you don’t happen to have cucumber, you can simply place two tablespoons in the fridge to chill.
- Close your eyes and place the back of the spoon over your eye.
- Let it stay till it comes to a room temperature
- This works as an instant eye pack which immediately helps you get rid of bags under your eyes.
3. Black tea bags
What makes black tea bags so effective for treating under eye bags? It is the tannin in tea bags that can prove to be helpful for reducing the puffiness.
- Take a cup of water and boil it.
- Add two tea bags in the hot water.
- Move it up and down to make sure it’s properly soaked.
- Take it out and let it cool down in the fridge.
- Choose a comfortable spot and close your eyes.
- Now keep the soaked tea bag on each eye.
- Pamper yourself by putting your feet up and chilling out for few minutes.
- After few minutes, simply remove the tea bags and check your eyes out in the mirror. You will notice it just got better.
4. Use Lemon juice
It’s no secret that lemon is packed with vitamin C that not only lightens the skin color if you have dark circles but will also get you rid of all the puffiness.
- Cut a lemon into half.
- Squeeze out its juice and leave it in the fridge to cool.
- Now take some cotton balls and soak them in lemon juice.
- Apply it around your eyes and make sure it doesn’t get into your eyes.
- Choose a comfortable spot to do it and stay that for up to 10 minutes.
- Then wash it off with cool water.
If you feel a burning sensation, immediately remove it. It is best to do a patch test before you use lemon juice as it can cause irritation to some people.
5. Make dietary changes
Making changes to your diet is the most important thing you could possibly do to get rid of eye bags. Having a salty dinner with some wine is okay once in a blue moon but having salt and drinking alcohol as a part of your routine can give you eye bags. It simply means that years of water retention is going to give you somewhat stretched out eye bags. Make some of these changes to reduce the eye bags:
- Cut down the amount of salt in your daily cooking. You could cut if off simply by fifty percent. It’s not like food doesn’t taste good without too much salt (it does!). Do not add salt to baked items and keep away from salt particularly at dinner time because the body is no able to set equilibrium before you go to sleep.
- Cut down on alcohol. Drinking alcohol regularly results in water retention. If you drink less, then your eyes won’t be all swollen in the morning either. When you drink at night, drink an equal amount of water as well. It’s better to drink in the evening than right before you sleep. Also, use a moisturizer around your eyes. Same suggestion is applicable when you drink wine.
6. Raw potato
Potato is a natural skin lightener that can lighten up the skin color if you have dark circles as well as minimize the puffiness under your eyes.
- Take one or two raw potatoes and grate it to extract the juice.
- Refrigerate this juice to cool it down.
- Take a cotton ball and soak it in this juice.
- Place it over your under-eye region for up to 15 minutes.
- Then wash it off with cool water.
- Do this one to two times a day for few weeks.
- OR
- Simply cut thick slices of potato.
- Place it in the fridge to cool it down.
- Apply the cold potato slices on each eye.
- Leave it on for 15 minutes.
- Then take them off.
7. Sleep right
Did you know people who tend to sleep either on their stomachs or sides are more at risk of having under eye bags when they wake up the next morning? This is because in such a position, fluid is easily able to accumulate under your eyes while you sleep the night away. Side sleepers are likely to have a larger eye bag on the side they slept on.
- While it’s not easy to change sleeping position when you are used to sleeping in a particular way, just try to sleep on your back more than your stomach or side. If it gets really difficult for you simply put some pillows on your sides.
- If you are someone who already sleeps on your back, then fetch another pillow and place on the top of the first to keep your head on. This way fluid will not be able to accumulate in your eye while you sleep.
8. Treat your allergy or sinus
Don’t leave your allergies or sinus untreated. One of the reasons for under eye bags is allergies that take the form of inflammation on your face. You must have noticed that the skin around the eyes is extremely delicate compared to other parts of the body. This is the reason fluid accumulates there and brings about that swollen and puffy eyes.
- Stay away from the things that trigger your allergy like animal fur, flowers, or dust. Keep your house clean to protect yourself from allergy causing elements.
- Go to a doctor and treat your allergies or sinus with some medication. You can even take over the counter drug or simply use a medicine prescribed by the doctor.
9. Try Butter Milk
A combination of buttermilk and turmeric is extremely effective for curing eye bags. While turmeric minimizes inflammation, buttermilk constricts blood vessels.
- Take a cup of buttermilk.
- Add some turmeric in it and mix well.
- Take a cotton ball and soak it in this solution.
- Close your eyes place the cotton balls on each eye.
- Leave it on for 15 minutes.
- Do this five times in a week.
For extremely puffy eyes, you can also use plain milk. Simply soak a cotton ball in chilled milk and keep them one each eye for 20 minutes. This will give relief to the eye from water retention and soothe it.
10. Vitamin E Oil
Vitamin E oil is widely known for being beneficial to the skin. It also helps to reduce puffiness around your eyes.
- Simply take a bowl of chilled water.
- Pour in few drops of vitamin E oil.
- Stir well and soak some cotton pads in this solution.
- Place it on your eyes and leave if for 20 minutes.
So these were some of the most effective ways for getting rid of bags under eyes. Along with these remedies, remember to use sunscreen daily, not to sleep with your make on, and moisturize your face daily before you sleep.