Category Home Remedies

Home Remedies for Minor Burns

Burns, typically known for a compulsion towards heat or anything which may cause heat reaction to any part of the body. There are three degrees of burn; first, second and third degree burn. Each degree has its own potency of…

Home Remedies for Chapped Lips

Home Remedies for Chapped Lips

A dry, scaly, swollen, sore or cracked lip is a problem commonly encountered by many usually in the winters or dry season. Dry or chapped lips not only look unpleasant but they are also really painful. Chapped lips do not…

Home Remedies for Asthma

Home Remedies for Asthma

Breathing is one and only factor because of which we humans and all livings beings are alive. If something goes wrong in the airways which transports oxygen to lungs, certainly breathing starts obstructing. Therefore, asthmatic patients are those who have…