What Is Calluses?
The thing which makes sensitive skin go harder is basically because of the corns, at times even calluses. These are annoying to the core and makes a deep impact in the movement by foot. However, both the forms are different and can’t be taken as similar thing. Unfortunately, lack of understanding towards the two: corn and calluses, makes one confuse.
Calluses are developed and formed in any place which has body friction, or any constant rubbing. The most prone areas for calluses are: limbs, fingers, hands, feet and even chin. Calluses have many diversification’s and variants. Plantar form is observed in the sole of foot. It is also noticed that when there is constant friction in feet or hands, callus is molded.
In comparison to it, corns make a hide way on the feet. They appear on the sides and the tops of the feet. The corn with hard skin is mostly centered with cone shape. Softer corn is with thick layer of skin surface.
Types Of Calluses:
Calluses are divided into two categories; hereditary and plantar calluses.
Hereditary Calluses:
In this type, calluses are mainly matured and grown due to hereditary factors. Friction or no friction is not an important symptom for this type. It occurs all of a sudden, out of blue without any apparent warning or sign. Mostly, toddlers and infants are victimized by this type of calluses. This type runs in families and root back to great grand-fathers and even forefathers.
Plantar Calluses:
This is one which has different color and isn’t anywhere else other than the soles of the feet. What is witnessed about this type is the color which is white, unlike other normal type.
Causes Of Calluses:
Causes are the sources or probable reasons for the development and growth of a particular disease or a medical situation. Here is a list of causes of foot calluses:
- Heels which you can’t manage to walk on.
- Tight foot wear.
- Even loose foot wear.
- Close fitted leggings.
- Skin tight socks.
- Toes which are malformed or deformed.
- Walking for more than 2 hours in tight socks and shoes.
- Hiking for hours in uncomfortable foot wear.
- Sports or activities which makes the foot swell.
Symptoms Of Calluses:
Symptoms are more like indications which every disease or medical related condition holds.
- Skin’s tightness and hardness. The covering of callus is very typical. It is not only hard but painful too. This leads to other medical concerns which makes it difficult to walk and move around.
- Inflammation is another symptom. Callus mostly burns and leaves tingling feeling. Being a symptom, inflammation on any corn type thing can be taken as callus. However, there is a difference between two.
- Soreness and redness are typical findings of callus. Skin appears to be of red and it has particular kind of swelling.
- Another symptom of callus is the embossed effect on skin.
Treatment For Calluses:
Calluses is something which can be cured and treated by medical as well as home remedies. In this section, you will find some basic prescribed medicines for the treatment.
1. Shaving of skin:
It is seen that the thickness of skin which results in calluses dissolves and wears off on its own. However, if the physician or doctor can shave off the outer thick dead skin to make it a bit towards the normal thickness of skin.Method which doctors apply to remove callus through shaving is as under:
- Doctor will soak your callus on foot in lukewarm water.
- Then he will use an instrument which is particularly used in shaving thick callus like skin.
- He will literally shave your skin.
- It will not hurt at all but it might scare you in the beginning.
2. Pads for moles:
Another thing which you can do by yourself without any help of anyone is by wearing moleskin pads. These allow you to walk and even run without putting any force on your feet. When the pressure isn’t there, it comforts the feet and naturally you feel better.
- Open the pack and take out one mole pad from it.
- Now open the entire thing and place it on the callus.
- In many home remedies it is used as an adhesive tape.
- Apply and make sure it is stuck properly.
- Allow some space to give room to breathe.Yes! Our skin also breathes.
3. Liquids to remove calluses:
Another technique to remove calluses is to apply specially formulated solutions. Since these soluble or liquids are medically tested and are meant to remove calluses, it is safe to use them.
- Each solution comes with the set of instructions.
- Read and follow the steps.
- Most of the steps will require you to apply solutions with the help of cotton buds.
4. Plasters:
Salicylic acid is usually endorsed in plasters which are applied on the calluses. Regrettably, it is something which is not recommended and suitable for everyone. There are people who have complained about its reactions to skin.
- It is something which you cannot do it on your own.
- You are bound to seek doctor’s or physician’s help in this regard.
- He has the liberty to apply it the way it is supposed to be applied.
5. Antibiotics:
Oral medication like that of antibiotics is one of the safest way to dissolve calluses. It is because it cleans ups infections in the skin. However, a small cut may be put to extract pus.
- Always have antibiotics which are prescribed by the doctor.
- Use it according to the instructions.
- Keep medicines in the best suitable temperature. Mostly the temperatures are mentioned on the bottle or its pack.
6. Creams:
The beauty of moisturizing creams lies within the art of exfoliating dead skin, softening and eliminating cracked or scaly calluses. Seek your doctor’s permission on applying it and wearing socks or covering it with something like bandage. The best way is to soften the skin and rub it with a pumice.
- Apply it after any home remedy which you will practice.
- Secondly, moisturizing creams allows skin to be soft. Always apply them after soaking or treating callus.
- Excessive use will not cause any side effect. However, it should be used in a moderate way as recommended by skin specialists.
7. Surgery:
If you have callus and you know it is not anything but a plantar one, you can opt for a surgical process. The rate of not getting it back will remain intact.It is something which cannot be instructed and need special care from doctor’s side.
- Surgery is solemnly doctor’s thing to handle.
- It’s not very tacky and you shouldn’t be scared of the process.
- The entire procedure is easy and hardly takes half an hour to an hour depending on the expertise of the doctor.
8. Home treatments:
Rely on home remedies if you are not too comfortable with all the above methods or treatments to deal with calluses or just one callus. Keeping feet away from moisture, fungus and friction can help you prevent calluses altogether.
- Each and every home remedy has different steps to follow.
- Some of them have somewhat similar set of instructions.
Home Remedies For Calluses:
There are number of ways through which you can treat calluses. Some of them are restricted to medicines and are cured typically by doctors. On the other hand are home remedies. These are easy to apply in daily life. Likewise, calluses on feet can also be treated by home remedies. Some of them are mentioned below:
1. Vitamin E or A
Vitamin A or E helps in reducing the diameter of calluses. It provides nourishment to the skin which is required. Softening and bring out new skin is what vitamin A and E are known for. Instructions of applying it on the affected area are below:
- Use a needle to prick vitamin E or A capsule.
- Pour the liquid in the capsule on callus.
- Massage it gently for minimum 2 and maximum 4 minutes.
- Wear socks or place bandage on it.
P.S: It is recommended to apply vitamin at night time. Repeat it daily for three to four days.
2. Bread
Bread can also cure callus. It has the potential and ability to soften hard skin which is one significant feature of callus. Moreover, it helps in conditioning skin. Here is what you need to do in order to get treated:
- Take a piece of bread. Let it be of the size of callus.
- Pour few drops of ACV – apple cider vinegar on bread. Make sure, bread is properly soaked.
- Place it on callus.
- Stick it with any adhesive tape.
- Also wrap callus around plastic sheet.
- Wear socks to keep it protected.
P.S: Daily applying of it will make callus soft. Repeating it for four days will completely remove callus from your feet.
3. Epsom Salts
Epsom salts helps in eradicating calluses on feet. It is particularly known for its exfoliating agents. Moreover, Epsom salt is typically handy for scrubbing and can be used as a scrub. This is what need to be done to remove it:
- In a tub of lukewarm water, add one handful of Epsom salt.
- Check the temperature of water. How? Well, simply soak elbow.
- Now, after checking temperature of water, soak your feet in it.
- Let it sit there for ten minutes.
- Softly remove the dead skin by the help of pumice.
- Make sure that you not rubbing skin too much.
P.S: Repeat this procedure at least two times in a day. You can also try this technique after taking shower.
4. White Vinegar
White vinegar is fixated with the tendency to eradicate hardness on skin. It also is beneficial for the softening purpose. Moreover, it can be used in the following manner to reduce callus or calluses.
- Mix water and white vinegar in equal quantity.
- Dip your feet in it for minimum ten and maximum fifteen minutes.
- Rub the callus softly with pumice.
- Apply Vaseline and wear socks.
P.S: Dip your feet twice a day, every day.
5. Corn Starch
Corn starch enables skin to get soft by the virtue of exfoliating properties. It also works best with the combination of castor oil. To avoid moisture and keep feet dry, corn starch can become handy.
- Make a mixture of castor oil and corn starch.
– Take one tablespoon of castor and one tablespoon of corn starch in a bowl.
-Mix it well to make thick paste.
- Apply it on the callus and let it remain there for several hours.
- To make it more protected, wear socks or plastic.
- After four to five hours wash your foot.
- Scrape off the soft layer of skin by the help of pumice stone.
6. Pineapple
Pineapple’s skin is used as an exfoliating agent. It also has the competency to work on callus. Pineapple scrub wears off callus too. Instructions on taking help from pineapple for the removal of callus are as under:
- Peel pineapple’s skin.
- Now, place the skin of pineapple on the callus.
- Make sure it is properly covered.
- Use gauze which is preferably medicated to stick the peel of pineapple.
- Change the entire thing after every 24 hours.
- Repeat the process daily at least once or maximum twice in a day.
P.S: Enzymes which are present in pineapple’s peel actually removes callus.
7. Raisins
Raisins are not very expensive and can be bought from any grocery shop. They have the entire control on the functionality of softening the skin. This is what you need to do in order to get rid of callus easily:
- Pick good quality raisins and wash them.
- After drying, take out its pulp.
- Apply pulp on callus.
- Wrap or secure it with bandage.
- To protect, wear socks.
- Change the bandage after every twelve hours.
8. Olive oil
Olive oil works against callus on feet. It drives the falsity of skin from a portion in a magical way. Instructions on how to apply and use it are follows:
- Heat olive oil in microwave for a minute.
- Massage it on the affected area.
- Now wear socks, preferably cotton ones.
- Repeat the process daily.
- It is better and recommended to practice this procedure before going to bed.
P.S: Applying it for four to five days will remove callus.
9. Castor oil
Castor oil is supposed to be one of the best oils to use in the elimination of callus on feet. It has the natural tendency to make skin softer and smoother.
- Dab a cotton ball in castor oil.
- Place it on top of the corn.
- Apply a round corn pad on the cotton.
- Wear it for a day and then change it.
P.S: Results will be seen in four to five days’ time.
10. Warm water
Water is magic and can do wonders. It can help you get rid of thick, scaly and dry skin. All these three characteristics are found in callus. Hence, it is one of the best therapies and ways to treat callus. There is a three stage process for the removal of callus.
- Stage one:
– Take water and heat it to the temperature which your skin can easily bear.
– Soak callus area in the water.
– Before soaking, add bath oil or Epsom salt.
– Let it sit there for ten minutes.
- Stage two:
– Scrub off the soft layer of skin.
– Use pumice for gently massaging on the callus.
– Add one table spoon of apple cider vinegar for stubborn corns.
- Stage three:
– Wear socks and avoid getting it moist.
How To Prevent Calluses:
Calluses and corns on feet can be prevented. Following suggestions will help you in staying away from it.
- Get your feet measured to find out if they are normal or deformed. Basically flat soles can also trigger issues and cause calluses.
- Try to purchase and wear only those shoes which are fitted. Too tight or shaggy shoes may develop calluses.
- Feet are said to be swollen by sunset. Go shoe shopping when it is swollen.
- Length and width of shoes matter a lot. Be sure of both before buying shoes or footwear.
- Technically you should avoid wearing high heels.
- Pointed shoes also are the reason of calluses.
- Repairmen of shoes is mandatory to avoid calluses. Basically moisture produce fungus which further develops into calluses.
When To See A Doctor:
Inflamed or ache in the calluses may cause issues. It is better to see doctor in this case. Always remember self-medication or self-treatment is not always good. Your doctor must be updated if you have diabetes or hypertension. To avoid complications, always seek doctor.