Frequently Asked Questions – Head Lice FAQs

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How can you verify successful treatment?

Even after a routine treatment such as by means of antibiotic, enzyme or natural treatment, their exist a probability that a treated person is still infested. The ultimate determination that someone is no longer infested can only be accomplished with a thorough manual screening to confirm that all lice and nits are dead.

Do head lice carry or transmit any disease?

No, by far Head lice are not known to spread disease, it is yet to be proven however its rival i.e. body louse is known to spread disease.

Where do head lice come from?

Head lice have been around for thousands of years. Researches also revealed that Human lice likely co-evolved with people.

How long can nits and lice survive off of a head?

Head lice cannot survive longer than 24 hours if they fall off a person and cannot feed; nits on the other hand  cannot hatch and usually die within a week if they are not kept at the same temperature as that found close to the human scalp.

How can I tell if the nits are dead or alive?

One, can tell if a nit is dead when you try to remove it. Live nits are more difficult to remove because they are firmly glued to the surface of your hair. Eggs that no longer contain live lice will be white.

Also, if you kill it with your finger nails, it basically squishes their body pretty flat which kills them. if you find one that doesn’t pop and its brown or black then it’s probably a lice egg that recently died.

Can you catch head lice from headphones or helmets?

Although spread through headphones or helmets is possible, it is rare. It is more common for transmission to occur from pillows, hairbrushes or sheets. The most common type of transmission is from head-to-head contact.

Can you catch head lice in a pool, pond or lake?

No, the reason is risk of transmission of head lice occurs either in close head to head contact with the infested person, or by means of sharing such person’s personal items. While swimming lice firmly lock themselves onto hair minimizing the risk of getting transmitted onto other person.

Can you catch head lice from cars, pillows or furniture?

Although the risk of catching lice via cars, pillows and furniture is not so frequent, but if a louse comes off someone’s head and left behind to rest on pillow etc. then it is possible for any person whose head in in direct contact with the pillow or specified area.

How do you treat a home or school for lice?

Frequent vacuuming home lessens the risk of Lice spread  via fallen hairs, which may carry lice and nits .Vacuuming is an effective measure to prevent home from these bad bugs .In schools however pesticidel  sprays can be done  to control Lice wide spread.

What chemicals are used in head lice treatments?

Although there are wide variety of chemicals used for treatment of head lice. Few notable names are Benzyle Alcohol, Permethrin or Pyrethin and maldison etc.

One comment

  1. Even if they are categorized among insects, woodlice are crustaceans and come initially from marine environments. Thanks to various physiological evolutions, they were able to adapt to terrestrial life. But that doesn’t change the fact they need wetlands.

    Therefore, if they will more often appreciate the gaps and cracks in the walls, as well as the undersides of vases or flowerpots, your garden will undoubtedly be their favorite landmark. With more humidity than they will find there, they will also benefit from a larger space. They will then hide under rotting leaves or stones. However, moving around often searching for food, they could devour the roots of plants in your garden.

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