Can Implantation Bleeding Be Heavy?

Implantation occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterine wall. This may result in cramps an even bleeding. Vaginal discharge and bleeding is nothing uncommon in the menstrual cycle but when it occurs at odd timings, there is something seriously wrong.

If you are facing spotting and you think you can be pregnant, you can try a pregnancy test. If it’s negative, then you should consult a doctor to diagnose the cause.

Can Implantation Bleeding Be Heavy?

What exactly is implantation bleeding and what color is it?

Implantation bleeding happens to be the earliest sign of pregnancy. You will notice it even before morning sickness. It will happen six to twelve days after the fertilization of egg takes place.

On average, one out of every three women experiences bleeding as a result of implantation. Many women confuse it as periods, but it is really light in flow and continues only for few hours or days.

During the early stage of pregnancy, the uterus starts making preparation for the growth of the embryo which implants itself in the uterus. This fertilized egg connects itself to the wall of this uterus. This implantation can also cause spotting or bleeding. This kind of light spotting does no harm to the baby and you are going to have a perfectly normal pregnancy, even if you experience implantation spotting which is brown or light pink discharge.

It is only in the rarest cases that the implantation bleeding is bright red in color.  The pink color simply shows that there is mucus combined with blood. Many women also experience cramps due to implantation, which is absolutely normal and nothing to worry about.

If you happen to notice that the mucus has an unpleasant smell, pain, itching, or burning, you need to see your gynecologist right away because it is an indication of something serious.

Can Implantation bleeding be heavy?

For most women, implantation Bleeding is NOT heavy. When the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, very little blood flows. It is usually in the form of spotting which is abrupt and not recurring. It doesn’t flow like it does in menstruation. It is just in the form of several drops.

However, heavy implantation bleeding can also occur. It happens because of the wider space between the egg and uterine wall which paves way for more blood to flow out through the vaginal opening. Heavy discharge comes with strong cramps. You need to remain alert as this is not a good sign. It could be because of ectopic pregnancy.

Furthermore, it is likely that the fertilized egg attached itself to the cervix, fallopian tube, ovaries, abdomen or other uterus tissue instead of the uterine lining causing heavy bleeding. In this case, you will also face symptoms like blood discharge with clots, shoulder aches, pelvic pains, dizziness and others.

Implantation bleeding can last for several days before it stops. There is no specific rule for it.

Cause of Concern

If heavy bleeding remains consistent, it is a cause of concern. Remain cautious if bleeding is accompanied by pain. Make sure the pain should not be intense.

Consult the doctor in case you feel lightheadedness, severe pelvic pain and heavy bleeding with clots. Heavy implantation bleeding with clots can be a sign of miscarriage too. Don’t ignore and take professional help immediately.

Implantation Bleeding or Period- How Do I Know?

Don’t know how to figure out if the vaginal discharge is due to period or implantation bleeding? Here are few things you that can help you know the difference and save you from anxiety:


In implantation bleeding, the blood simply comes and goes. It doesn’t flow continuously like in periods. It is around for a few minutes and may continue to happen for one to two days and not more than that. If the blood flows continuously and continues for more than two days, it is not implantation bleeding, it is menstruation.


If the bleeding is because of implantation, you will experience very light flow. Most women just experience a very small amount of brown or pinkish discharge after implantation. It is not at all like the bleeding you are likely to notice during periods. Keep in mind that heavy implantation bleeding occurs rarely and it is usually a sign of an impending miscarriage or a serious health issue.


The color is a very important factor. If you notice the color to be pink or brown, then it is implantation bleeding and if it happens to be bright red or red, then it is surely your periods.

  • Blood that is released because of implantation takes a few days or a few hours to get out of the body. As it moves out it, with times it gets discolored. If you notice pink blood, it means it is fresh whereas brown blood is much older, but both show implantation have taken place. Red blood is the freshest and doesn’t take much time to travel. It indicates that he spotting is most likely because of menstruation.


Taking note of timing is also important. Implantation usually happens six to twelve days after you conceive. This is the time when most women are expecting their next periods.

If you notice pink or brown blood around the time when your period is due, then it is probably implantation bleeding. If you have not conceived in the last few months, it is only impossible that the spotting is implantation bleeding.

Steps to Take When You Experience Heavy Implantation Bleeding

While implantation bleeding is very normal in many cases but if you experience heavy blood flow that goes on for more than three days, then you should immediately see a doctor. Apart from the symptoms mentioned above, you should also go to a doctor if you face any of the following:

  • Vaginal bleeding that comes with symptoms like acute pain and severe dizziness
  • Heavy or even normal bleeding after reaching menopause
  • Heavy bleeding even when you pregnancy is confirmed



  1. Hi my name is Monique, I have two sons ages 3 and 5. I started bleeding 6 days before my actual period date.The bleeding was heavy but now it’s becoming lighter. Today makes the 4th day.

    • Dear Monique 4 days of heavy bleeding is very unusual to be considered as implantation bleeding also change in menstrual cycle date is quite normal sometimes due to hormonal changes triggered by many factors that includes age, stress, anxiety. The best thing to do is wait for the next month cycle and see it is following the same pattern otherwise best to consult doctor.

  2. Hello my period was very late it came on the july 31 An continued on August 2. I’m have been have spare pain that comes An goes like contraction. Is there a possibility that I’m pregnant

    • Flow and colour of the blood is very important in determining whether its implantation bleeding or periods are just late. Best thing to confirm pregnancy is to do a home pregnancy test which is quite reliable.

    • It is very unlikely for implantation bleeding to be heavier. Implantation bleeding is usually light and usually brown or pink in colour.

  3. Hi..Im very curious ..i have period for 6 days ..i been having intercourse with my husband since the 26 of feb.and all of a sudden I thought it was a period and it was not heavy like it should have been,it came on and the 3rd day it was dark brown,I been having headaches and wondering what’s going on..Any Help???

    • If the flow was normal for the first two days and then it changed into dark brown on 3rd day then its very unlikely that its implantation bleeding. Sometimes hormonal changes or sudden change either in eating habits physical activity stress can make these temporary changes. No need to worry about better to wait till next cycle.

  4. Hey is clear mucas with pink /bright red blood in it that’s heavy still considered implantation bleeding ?

  5. I had unprotected sex with maybe partner 2 days after my ovulation day (3/26 ovulation day and had sex on 3/28). He did pull out before fully ejaculating. I say this because I am aware that men can “pre-cum” and not realize it while inside of the vagina or during sex. Anyway, my period came on time (4/9) but last one full day and lightly the second day. By the third morning it was completely gone. The flow was heavy the first day BUT the blood was thinner than usual with no signs of clotting like I normally have. My periods are always 5 days with a light 6th day. It was completely gone on the 11th. So I’m looking at one full day, a light but steady second day, and no 3rd, 4th, or 5th day. Today should be the last day of my period but I woke up to light spotting (bright red) but when I wiped the mucus was dark red and brown. Also yesterday, smells and orders nearly drove me insane. I normally devour crawfish but had no desire for them yesterday on an outting with friends nor could I handle the smell. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    • Dear Tamara best to do a pregnancy test at home for your satisfaction its usually very accurate but periods that last one full day are very unlikely to be implantation bleeding.

  6. Hello… so this past week my husband and I had intercourse 5 days which were during the time I was ovulating (multiple times each day). 5 days later (10 days before period) I notice brown/pink spotting. Towards the evening my flow got heavier; bright red and mild cramps on left side. The intensity of cramps fluctuate between tolerable to mild/slightly sevre but are not consistent. The bleeding remains bright red and soaks a tampon within a few hrs and absorbs about 2 3” on a thin pad. History of tubal removal due to EP in the past.
    I also have PSCO which typically causes severe cramps during normal Menses. Also slightly tender to touch on left side lower abdomen .

    Likely hood of an HIB or EP???

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