Frequently Asked Questions – Head Lice FAQs

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Will mechanical removal work?

Yes, mechanical way of removing head lice works but to make it permanent you have to follow som

What about nit-picking services?

Nit and louse picking facilities are available for people’s ease. These service providers aren’t medically trained and have no clue about anything other than how to pick lice.

What about pyrethroid insecticides?

Pyrethroid are synthetic chemical insecticides similar to the natural Pyrethrins, produced by the flowers of Pyrethrums. Being an effective consumer insecticide it can be found in many of modern insecticides on store shelves.

What about non-pyrethroid insecticides?

Non pyrethroid insecticides such as Spinosad, Ivermectin, Benzyl Alcohol are used as second line treatment if live lice persist after two treatments with insecticides such as those containing pyrethroid.

What about essential oils?

Essential oils come in the form of homemade mixtures and slats with the combination of different substances. However, the claims of efficacy is lacking. There are some formulas which shouldn’t be used on any part of the body.

What about enzyme treatments?

Notably, enzymatic treatments claim to dissolve eggs, the cement that attaches eggs to the hair, or the exoskeleton of the adults, are also available to use against head lice. Consumers are appealed to get this treatment due to its relative nontoxicity, but in university-conducted research trials none of them has yet proven to work as advertised.

What about antibiotics?

The guts of human lice contain a specialized organ that refuge an unusual type of bacteria. These bacteria may aid the louse in digesting the blood meal or by providing essential nutrients. Certain antibiotics may affect or eliminate these bacteria from the louse’s gut, and body lice that have fed upon antibiotic-laden blood of people may be burdened and die.

What about anti-parasitic drugs?

Diverse ant parasitic agents have been proposed for treating human lice, but few have been evaluated critically. The drug ivermectin, for example, is widely used in veterinary medicine as an ant parasitic agent, and has been available for human use for treating infestations caused by human parasites like lice.

What about suffocating agents?

Alternative treatment for killing head lice involves suffocating agents. Olive oil is one of the most effective natural remedies for head lice because it acts as a suffocating agent. Other popular suffocating agents includes food-grade oils, hair gels and certain silicon like oils that smother head lice. Suffocants containing dimethicone, petroleum jelly, benzyl alcohol and other ingredients are widely marketed for head lice now a days.

What about using heat?

Sufficient application of heat under regulated conditions is another way of head lice treatment. Louse treatment devices are now a days available in market but it is recommended that trained users should be asked to treat the infested person with a regular flow of tempered air.

What about freezing?

Freezing weather (32° F or below) is bad enemy of lice. This measure can be taken to kill lice and its nits by putting items outside for 72 hours.

What about haircuts to stop the spread of lice?

One can’t get rid of lice by cutting off his/her hair, although the risk of transmission is minimized by cutting hair short. Head lice cannot jump, they have to be transmitted by direct contact, so keeping your hair short reduces the chances of this contact occurring.

What about using hair soap, bleaches or dyes?

One can use this form of treatment, if wishes to avoid insecticides entirely. Soap shampoos that contain coconut or olive oils are considered effective. Most soaps kill all stages of the louse except the egg.

Also some brands of bleach or hair dye products contain neuro- toxin chemicals, affecting the neurological system of the lice causing them to die. The worst part about this treatment option is that they generally do not kill lice eggs (nits), because the chemicals don’t penetrate the shells of the eggs. It takes seven to 10 days for lice eggs to hatch, so if you dye your hair, even if the chemicals in the hair dye kill all the live bugs on your head, in a week or so all the eggs will hatch and you’ll have a full infestation in your hair again. Using hair dye is not a good way to treat lice.

Do dogs and/or cats serve to maintain or transfer head lice?

The transmission and spread of lice doesn’t involve pets, Pets are of no significance in maintaining or transmitting human lice, and they should not be treated for head lice.

Should I clean my house & car to eliminate lice?

Yes, an essential step in winning the battle against a head lice infestation safely, must include ridding the lice from the home. The cleaning process may involve vacuuming all rugs, floors, yard furniture covered with fabric cushions & upholstery in addition to vacuuming bed & crib mattresses to clear them of any possible traces of lice and nits.

One comment

  1. Even if they are categorized among insects, woodlice are crustaceans and come initially from marine environments. Thanks to various physiological evolutions, they were able to adapt to terrestrial life. But that doesn’t change the fact they need wetlands.

    Therefore, if they will more often appreciate the gaps and cracks in the walls, as well as the undersides of vases or flowerpots, your garden will undoubtedly be their favorite landmark. With more humidity than they will find there, they will also benefit from a larger space. They will then hide under rotting leaves or stones. However, moving around often searching for food, they could devour the roots of plants in your garden.

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